Sunday, September 17, 2006

Holy Crap - Did I Write This?

I wrote this little poem a couple of years ago and just dug it out. Upon re-reading I thought, Damn! That's good!

Then I threw my shoulder out trying to pat myself of the back.

Waiting for the Sun

Wylie Kinson, copyright 2003

And so it begins
The rhythm of nature
Tap tap tapping at the glass
Smothering me in gray
Reaching in to invade my sunny soul
With cold steel needles
Long tendrils of gloom take hold
Wrapping me in despair
But still I fight
I cling to the memory of a bright sky
That feeds the light of my heart
Hoping to feel the warmth on my face
Before I break under the hypnotic pulse of God


Anonymous said...

Wylie, that is a *beautiful*, touching poem. I always get goosebumps when I read moving, evocative poetry, and the ol' goosebumps broke out big time while reading your poem.

I read it aloud to hubby, and he's in full agreement! Thank you so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

ACK, it's still saying zero comments, so I'll comment again so you can read my first comment. :)


Wylie Kinson said...

Thanks T.L.!
Yeah - those comments sometime take awhile to appear. Delayed in the blogosphere??