The jackpot in tonight's Canada 649 Lottery has reached $38,000,000!! Besides do one hell of a happy dance, these are the:
13 Things I Would Do With My Lottery Winnings
- Set up trust funds for my children and an untouchable retirement account for us (because we're bound to do something stupid with our money)
- Pay for post-secondary education for my niece and nephews, with a substantial 'graduation' bonus
- Gift 'dream holidays' to extended family members
- Buy a couple of acres of lakefront property and built a fabulous, but cozy, cottage so we can spend lazy relaxing summers
- Take hubby and sons on a cruise and then to Disney World
- Donate generously to my five fave charities
- Hire a housekeeper and cook
- Install a home gym complete with personal trainer who makes me exercise daily
- Buy a bigger house so that my mom could come and live with us
- Set up a scholarship in my late father's name
- Treat my girlfriends to dinner and a show,... in New York, baby!
- Rent a villa in France so that I can do research for a novel I've had kicking around for awhile but can't do much with because a large chunk of it takes place in France...
- Set up a Good People Foundation. This is complicated, but it goes something like this: I've crossed paths with some really awesome people in my 29 years (ahem) on this earth. I'd like to give them something - a monetary award, a trip, a car, a house... but when you gift something to someone, they inevitably feel obligated or grateful. Your relationship changes. I wouldn't want that, so I'd set up a bogus foundation and these people would think they won their prize never knowing it was really from me.
What would YOU do with your lottery winnings?
WOW! Those are great plans, basically I would do similar things. Build my dream house, take care of my loved ones. Send my kids to college.
Here's two things I would do different, go for a Trek in the Himalayas and buy my father a Harley. He gave up his Hawg when I was a child because we were struggling to make ends meet he sold his Harley to feed us.
That's what I would do, OH an I would also quit EDJ (Evil Day Job) and concentrate on my writing and kids.
I really like the mystery foundation. I'll have to try that.
The Tour Manager and I dream about this a bit; it's fun. But we don't get too far after endowing scholarships at the various universities we attended.
Oh, what a great list! Someone to cook and clean for me, run errands, no EDJ, just me and the writing all day! Gasp. I can't even comprehend it.
I really like the bonus idea for the the nieces and nephews. This is something that I would do, but bonus would work to keep them in school.
It is so much fun to dream though...my list would be similar. I might just have two vacation homes.
So if you win, are we on for a blogger reader week at a beach?
Great list, Wylie! I love all your ideas, but your #13 is especially cool. :)
Here's something I would do: set up a refuge where I could care for abused and unwanted kitties.
Happy TT to you!
What a wonderful list! I love how you are sharing so much with others. What a great friend/family member you are!
If I won, two words: BEACH HOUSE.
I keep threatening to buy a vacation home in Pismo Beach, but never get around to it. It would require having a rental agent to rent it out during the year . . . a lot of trouble. I'd rather just plunk down cash & be able to lock the door when I'm not there! Ah . . . if only.
My list is posted.
Fantastic list! Mine would be fairly similar, but I really love the idea of #13.
Happy TT! :-)
Great plans there girl. By the way I did not win. :(
Okay...I'm going to have to give the last onea lot of thought...I think it's too late for me to figure out...you want to give not nice people a gift...is this a kind of reverse karma so they will learn a lesson about life and giving?
Loved the list and laughed at your 29 years of experience although again...you look so young I thought you were serious...okay I'm tired...
here is my TT list for the spring goddess celelbration:
the trust fund, the free education for the nieces and nephews, dream holiday gifts, the lakefront property, the cruise & Disneyworld, donating to charity, the housekeeper, the cook, home gym, the bigger house, the scholarship, dinner with girlfriends, the villa in france, Good People Foundation . . . may all of these come true. don't forget, if and when, you win the lotto!
my list would be so different
Great tt and you deserve to win
These are great and i'm right there with ya!
You are a wonderful person! It's funny I'd do a lot of these things, but my number one would be to quite my day job. I'd so love to be able to write full time...
I like how you've placed a big emphasis on education, and not just for your family but a scholarship in your father's name as well...good list :-)
Great list. The scholarships are a wonderful idea. Knowing me, I'd spend the whole lot on books.
Have a good day =)
great TT
hire a housekepper on my list, too
I love the mystery foundation idea.
And paying for school for the kids is great. (And putting some aside in a 'no-touch zone'. Not only smart but honest, so I feel the need to Hear Hear! for that one myself ;)
A great list and then there is that three times a week jolt of excitement to see if you get to do all those wonderful things.
#13 is a GREAT idea!!! Wow :-)
Pretty much exactly what you did. that was eerie! lol
I once asked a priest I knew if he had bought his lottery tickets. He told me, "Shelly, I don't buy lottery tickets. I suck up to people who do."
Great plan!
So, Wylie, did I tell you that you are my favorite blogger and that I'd love to be your "girlfriend," and that I'm "Good People", too?
It didn't hurt to try.
what a lovely giving person you are! hope you win big!!!
smiles, bee
Pity you didn't win... but a great list. #10 brought tears to my eyes, good tears.
Thanks for visiting my oracle TT!
You forgot a week trip to a spa!!!Having the service of a cook and a maseuse at home... and the list can go on and on...
Well, we still have the 10 million jackpot from super 7 tonight!!
hmmm. like to dream of such things too. and dreams of sharing it are more fun than dreams of spending it myself. currently i think topping my list would be my dream house complete with dream writer's office, funding college for any extended family interested including myself :) buying a bookstore like Powels in Portland Oregon that is so big you have to have a map to find yourself inside it; and a turst fund for struggling library systems starting with ours of course. come t think of it the dream house and the book store could be one and the same :)
my TT this week was 13 things I've neglected to an embarrassing degree since word of the impending library closure came four months ago. my mission over the next several weeks is to grope toward balance. with an emphasis on writing.
Great plans. I didn't win either ;(
We'll have to try again next week.
Great list! I often like to imagine assembling managers from all the main banks in one room, showing them my lottery cheque for umpteen millions, and saying: "Now, tell me why I should pick your bank!" and then I cansit back and watch the fun!
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