Continuing my Salute to Canada in honor of Canada Day, July 1st
Oh sure, everybody knows Pamela Anderson, William Shatner, Jim Carrey and Mike Myers, but did you know THESE thirteen were born under the Maple Leaf?
- Dan Acyroyd - SNL, The Blues Brothers
- Conrad Bain - Mr. Drummond from Diff'rent Strokes
- Raymond Burr - Ironside, Perry Mason
- Kim Cattrall - Sex & the City
- James Doohan - Star Trek
- Matt Frewer - Max Headroom, Star Trek: NG
- Joshua Jackson - Dawson's Creek
- Matthew Perry - Friends
Jennifer & Meg Tilly - Sultry Jennifer is the better known sister, appearing in Bound, Bride of Chucky and Liar Liar. Meg, who left acting behind for a writing career (yeah, Meg!), is best known for her role in The Big Chill.
- Christopher Plummer - this icon has been in
more than 150 movies, but he'll always be known as Captain von Trapp from the Sound of Music
- Jason Priestly - 90210
- Keanu Reeves - Speed, Matrix
Shannon Tweed - can be seen weekly on Gene Simmons Family Jewels, but starred in quite a few erotic thrillers during and after her Playmate days.
I admit to not knowing 8 of them were Canucks. Did any surprise you?
This is always one of my favorite Thursday 13 spots -- always thought-provoking. Let's see Raymond Burr is a suprise -- Kim Cattrall -- and what about Michael J. Fox -- he's Canadian, right? Matt Frewer, I completely forgot about.
I didn't know about the Tilly sisters.
Happy TT! xoxo
Matt Frewer and Jason Priestly, yes.
As for the lovely Shannon Tweed (who I like a lot, at least based on the show), I didn't know she'd acted. She seems too grounded for that.
Anyhoo, yep, I handed you an award. Figured you rock hard enough to be worthy. *grin*
I had no idea Kim Cattrell was! Happy TT! Air Force Wife
Hiya SusieJ - Yes, MJ FOX is Canadian, but I was trying to stay away from those I thought most everyone already knew of.
BTW people - if you are going on vacation this summer, go read SusieJ's blog for EXCELLENT tips on how to close up your house.
Mamalee - the Tilly's surprised me too.
SHG - I didn't know too much about our Shannon before Gene Simmons Family Jewels. She does seem VERY grounded, and a terrific mother. Then I did a Google image search to put a pic on this blog and let's just say I saw more of Shannon than I ever wanted too. TOO MUCH!
Don't forget Cone Heads for Dan Acyroyd. LOL. Great List
Also Michael J fox
Man you rock the house. I couldn't think of anything this week. Great list.
No surprises there. Love them all.
Holy moly, I didn't know James Doohan was a Canuck! Cool Beans! And I didn't know about Dan Acyroyd, Raymond Burr, Christopher Plummer, or Keanu Reeves, either.
And awwwwww, thank you, my dear friend, for your sweet comment on my T13 about my novels! :-DDD
Not so much surprised as informed. I'm afraid I hadn't even heard of four of theses.
Christopher Plummer is one of my fave actors. I never saw The Sound of Music so to me he is always the Duke of Wellington.
Yup -- Michael J. Fox is Canadian. Happy TT.
Yeah Canada! I knew of all except Shannon Tweed - great idea for a TT list very fitting. Thanks for stopping by, XINE
Oh man, I didn't know Christopher Plummer was Canadian! And the Tilly sisters? Okay, I didn't even know William Shatner was, but I did know Dan Ackroyd was a Canuck.
Great list Wylie :-)
I didn't know most of them were Canadian. Lots of great contributors to the arts.
Hate to tell you this, but Keanu Reeves was born in Beirut according to IMDB, although he lived - briefly - in Canada as a kid. Don't forget Mike Myers, he's a Scarborough kid! And the late, great John Candy - who was a classmate of my BIL. Jim Carrey, Dave Foley and a whole bunch more - boy, we sure have contributed to the arts, haven't we? You could probably do a Thursday 36!
Great list! I found myself going, "Oh, yeah" a lot. :) Somewhere in my distant memory I knew most of these were Canadian. But if you'd asked me to name some Canadian actors off the top of my head, I would have missed almost all of them.
Leah - Keanu was indeed born in Beirut but his mother later married a Canadian and they all took Cdn citizenship. He lived in Toronto from the time he was in kindergarten until his move to Hollywood when he was an adult. But he made his debut on both stage and screen in Canada.
Kate - I found the same thing. The 'oh yeah's!', but a few were genuine surprises.
Plus most of the cast of Stargate: Atlantis is Canadian, Kiefer and Donald Sutherland, and, and, so many more!
Great list!
Doh--I really didn't know that any of them were Canadian. Cool!
Canadians will always have a special place in my heart. *giggle* Anyway, thanks for this informative list. I never knew that the Tilly sisters were Canadians and also Christopher Plummer. I grew up knowing him as Captain Von Trapp. hehehe!
Happy Thursday dear!
I knew a few of these but not all. And like others above a lot of this was buried deep until your list reminded me I knew that. Got another one for you David James Elliott who starred in JAG. Apparently author Kate Willoughby has served him coffee at the Starbucks she works at on occasion. Lucky her!
Happy TT!
I had a super crush on Keanu Reeves after watching POINT BREAK for years!!! I had no idea he was Canadian. You sure pick your crop, lol!
I only know of four of those people, including the ones at the top. For some reason, I thought Keanu Reeves was Hawaiian. I wonder where I got that impression. Maybe he first name just sounds Hawaaian to me.
The ones I recognized, I knew about... but I only recognized about half of them. :-/
Dewey - Keanu is a Hawaiian name and I believe his father was half-Hawaiian.
Gabriella - of course, David James Elliot! In fact, I know someone who knows someone who's related to his wife (small country LOL!)
But again, I thought he was too obvious - like Keifer and Donald Sutherland. I was trying for the more obscure.
Cool list. I think I actually knew about most of them,except #13 (I've never seen Gene Simmons Family Jewels, and am not watching much tv these days). Happy TT.
Great list, Wylie. I didn't know many of them. So yes, Canadians have really contributed to the arts :)
I absoultely agree with #10.
Have you ever seen "Somewhere In Time"?
William Shatner is also Canadian...
Happy TT!
Liked your list!
Hmmmmmmm, interesting. Things I didnt know:) Happy TT.
Very funny. My hub and I are discussing a possible move to Canada. I shall be "feeding" upon your offerings.
For the second time today Happy Canada Day!!!
Be well and enjoy the day.
Great list! I knew most all of these people were Canadian, but if you asked me to list some Canadian actors, I probably wouldn't have thought of any of these.
Thanks for visiting my TT! :-)
Love 'em all!
I guess I'll have to take your word for it if you're saying there really are 13 Canadian actors. I don't recognize all the names... =0
Happy TT13 - here via Sparky Duck :)
Frigga -- and you share Sparky's wit, I see ;D
Danielle -- it's a great country to call home. I lived abroad for 18 years and appreciate it even more!
Jennieboo - I DID see Somewhere in Time. One of my all-time faves.
Ann - Personally, I'm not a big fan of reality tv, but stumbled on Family Jewels quite by accident. It's very funny -- big bad ole Gene Simmons is such a normal dorky father!
Ah-ha! I actually know quite a few of these. Canada has some very talented actors. I think I'm going to hum the Blues Brother soundtrack all day now. Rawhide!
Cool list. I knew about a few of those, but definitely not all.
I don't normally just leave "great list" comments but after reading all the comments I can't come up with any thing worthwhile to add so...
Great list!
(and why is everyones word verification tonight "smenita" - is it a blogger conspiracy to start a new meme)
Dan Acyroyd. For some reason I thought he, Belushi, and Murray were all from Chicago suburbs.
Hey, I was wondering the same thing that impworks brought up. They are all "semnita".
I think I might have known about Matthew Perry, but the rest were news to me.
For some reason, I'm fascinated by all things Canadian. I love finding out that people are from there.
I know all of them, siome big names there!~
Thanks for visiting my random TT. Handfasting is the pagan wedding; I added a link to read more about it.
I knew! I'm Canadian, too. I think as Canadians we're by law expected to know every Canadian actor or singer, right? LOL
(So glad I could leave a message today. I tried last night and every time I clicked on leave message, it brought me up a lovely empty box and wouldn't let me do a thing)
Happy TT!!!
any way you can take the Tilly Sisters back??
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