Well Ms Silver, I have you to thank for the discomfort of not one, but TWO cold baths.
Let me explain...
I do my best reading in the tub. It's the only quiet place in the house, a sacred no-boys-allowed-to-bother-mom zone. And at risk of getting too personal, I follow a specific routine:
Stage 1: sink into the hot water (bubbles optional) and read one or two chapters. Before the water loses steam, I move to...
Stage 2: wash and condition hair (using the rinse cycle to re-heat the water back to optimum soak temp), wrap head in towel and continue reading the next chapter or two.
Stage 3: (and this is important) STOP reading long enough to exit the tub BEFORE the bath water cools enough to lower internal body temperature. Critical.
I never vary from this. (I'm anal that way.)
Except when I cracked Demon's Hunger.
There I was, reading away, not noticing that the bubbles were slowly dissolving around me, and next thing I knew, I was shivering.
So engrossed was I in the The Compact of Sorcerers (smoken hot demon fighting dudes) that I completely missed Stage 2 and went well beyond the critical point of Stage 3!!
I couldn't re-fill/re-heat, cause that's just wasteful, so I got out and took my drippy, shivery self into bed.
Next night, SAME THING!
Damn you, Eve Silver, for penning a tale so captivating it left my skin pruny and my hair greasy!
Here's the blurb:
Forensic anthropologist Vivien Cairn fears she's losing her mind. Her libido has kicked into overdrive, and she's blacking out-leaving hours of her life unaccounted for and no memory of where she's been...or what she's done. But when a sexy stranger rescues her from a demon attack, Vivien realizes there's more than just her sanity at stake... A seductive killer is luring victims, and Sorcerer Dain Hawkins finds himself walking a dangerous line between ancient duty and sizzling desire when the brotherhood-and Vivien herself-begin to suspect that her mysterious symptoms may connect her to the crimes. Can Dain save Vivien from the evil that threatens to claim her? Or will they both succumb to...Demon's Hunger...
I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Eve is the Queen of Sexual Tension. The chemistry between Vivien and Dain *sigh* is practically palpable. And I can't wait to read more about those sexy demon hunters...
Look for DEMON'S HUNGER (did I mention that you don't need to read Demon's Kiss first - that this hot paranormal romance is perfectly enjoyable as a stand alone? But you will want to go back and read it, just because...) in bookstores this December.
Great gift for your book-loving gal friends. And personally speaking, I always love seeing a book peeking out of my Christmas stocking :)
Wylie, I'm thrilled that you liked the story :) Sorry about the cold bath, LOL!
Not liked, loved. Likeable stories don't upset the bath-time routine.
Wylie - how often can you find a book that makes you forget the bathwater temp? When you find one of those, indulge yourself! Turn on the hot water faucet and sink back and enjoy. (Although I hope you have two bathrooms for those 'urgent calls', LOL.)
That's a great recommendation. I'll have to check out Eve's books.
Wowie, that's what I call an engrossing read! Thanks for the recommendation. :)
Leah - not often enough! Last one that had me in a cold bath was Joanna Bourne's Spymaster's Lady.
Hiya Shelley - you should. Eve writes paranormal, urban fantasy and historical and they're ALL good.
Hey TL - (I'm still riding your wave of giddy, btw!!)
I think you'd really dig Eve's SHOMI books - under the name Eve Kenin. Driven and the sequel Hidden. Good kick-ass heroines!
I've almost finished reading Demon's Hunger.
Friggin' Hot is damn right.
I'm looking forward to this book. Thanks for the recommendation, Wylie!
Dang it!!! Another book to add to my "IWANNAREADIT" pile.
Thanks for the heads up Wylie!!!
and I have soooooo done that in the bathtub.
Amy - LOL... yes, it is ;)
JK and Jennifer - try and get it to a top spot in the TBR pile. You won't regret it!
'Damn you, Eve Silver, for penning a tale so captivating it left my skin pruny and my hair greasy!' - LOL!!
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