Today was full of revelations.
Hubby doesn't read my blog anymore.
(Revelation I) He said he stopped reading when I started drifting, when I stopped writing anything interesting and began posting fluff - comics, jokes, drivel.
I suppose he's right. When I started this blog back in the fall of '06, I wasn't afraid to ramble on about my opinions - books, weird thoughts, politics, television, writing...
Back then I wasn't afraid of sharing a piece of my soul or going on a rant. Somewhere along the line I started censoring myself.
Fear? Probably. I really hate offending people and because my audience is much bigger now (there's 5 or 6 who read regularly rather than just TL and hubby *snort!*) I guess I'm more conscious of my subject matter.
Will I remedy this?
I dunno... I'll think on it. I've got My Public, My Fans, to consider *double snort*!
At least I haven't lost my sense of humour ;)
On Writing (Revelation II):I managed to squeak out 1000 words this afternoon but a few hours later, as I was mulling the next scene during a coffee run to Tim Hortons (aka LIFEBLOOD) came to the realization that everything that went on in scene one would have been better presented in the next scene. Wow - that probably made NO sense...
What I mean is, instead of two scenes to get two points across, I could get both points across in one scene, that being scene two. Follow?
So after banging my head into the steering wheel a few times (don't worry, I was at a red) I knew I'd have to delete and begin again.
C'est la vie. This is the life of a writer, n'est pas?
How did I come to this conclusion - albiet a few hours too late? Something I read earlier in the day triggered
Revelation III - on how an author decided to combine two scenes...
Which segues nicely into:
Are you having trouble with your heroine? I am! Margaret Moore's blog post,
Heroines on a Tight Rope was definitely enlightening
(Revelation IV). It not only triggered the earlier revelation about combining the scenes, but also gave me the strength to eliminate the wishy-washy from my gal, Lucy Logan. Gah - she even has a wishy-washy name, doesn't she? I think I'm going to change it to something stronger.
Lucy Lonergan - meh
Lucy Lawless - crap, already taken
Lucy Lofty -
Carrie's cousin? ... heh hehe
Lucy Langstaff - too soap opera
Okay blogland - give me a stong surname for my Lucy! Suggestions welcomed. There may even be a prize. Oh - and her sister's name is Penny, so it has to suit both gals.